Choo-Choo Training Week 1

February 6, 2011 § Leave a comment

I am following the Rookie Marathon Plan.

Monday-I had a sweat-brewing indoor workout (30 minutes of watching Italian television and doing the following: 50 Jackies, 20 Knee Highs, 20 Froggies, 10 PU’s, 10 full SU’s, repeat)

Tuesday-I shot for 4 miles, but ran 3 slowly (it was freezing cold). Really close to my apartment is a private little park (very little-will post picture soon) where I estimate about 10 laps around to be equivalent to one mile. It’s very clean, and has an actual path/sidewalk (something this country lacks) with benches, a residential garden, and plenty of areas to jazz up my workouts.I came back to yucky wind-chapped lips.  I need to remember to put on chapstick.

Wednesday– It rained. I didn’t want to go out in the fog/rain.

Thursday– The plan says “EASY 3-4 miles,” but the run was anything but easy. All week, this town was foggy, to the point where you can’t even see 30 feet ahead of you. The moisture and mist in the air + runny nose ick = UNCOMFORTABLE 30 minutes outside. I lost count after 22 laps around, so I alternated between jogging and sprinting laps until I was completely exhausted (didn’t take too long =D)

Friday– YAY FOR REST DAY! This is only week one, but seeing the words REST DAY made me happy! I had a meeting in Milano, so Mama Ko and I were up at 6:30 am as usual. Had a delicious b-fast of whole grain biscotti, coffee (her), caffeine-free tea (me), fruit yogurt, and a gala apple. She mastered the art of baking whole grain bread (very very difficult)-I call it Mama Bread. We were out the door by 8:45 am with 2 baby loaves packed for the road, and walked 15 minutes to Piazza Citadella. We made our way to the train station (another 15 minutes) and waited for the train. 45 minutes later, we arrived at Milano Centrale and set out on foot. After my meeting, we headed towards Corso Buenos Aires and struck gold. It was my first time shopping on Corso BA, and thanks to the lovely end-of-season sales, I could afford to shop!

The goods:

The perfect, preppy black pumps for this spring (almost like Sperry’s big girl heels) –10 euros.

Leather collegiate side pack from Sisley – 20 euros (70% off)

Gold layover earrings from ISI- 1.40 and long chain necklace- 2 euros

2 classic long wool sweaters (black and blue 70% off) – 10 euros each

We walked down Corso BA, Corso Venezia, Corso Vittorio Emmanuele, around the Duomo, up and down 7 floors of La Rinascente (Milan’s version of Saks). We took a short break at a park where art students (a model, 2 photographers) were awkwardly doing wardrobe changes and shooting pictures. The integrale (whole grain) bread was PERFECT-filling (yay for fiber), slightly sweet, slightly salty. Around 4 pm, we hopped on the metro back to Centrale, went up up up all the stairs to the actual train station, bought/validated our tickets for Piacenza, took the bus from Piacenza station back home. Using public transportation in Italy is very convenient once one becomes familiar with the way things work.

Example: For the bus, you must have a ticket. You cannot buy this ticket on the bus (nor pay on the bus). Rather, you must purchase a biglietto at a tabacchi (tobacco store). Then, you must stick it in the yellow box inside the bus to validate (VERY important), making it valid for 60-70 minutes depending on the city.

Mama Bread. This is the most amazing bread ever! Fiber packed, delicious, and full of love & energy!

Saturday – I was up early for a rehearsal room I reserved at the conservatory, so I had my usual b-fast of whole grain biscotti, yogurt, fruit, multivitamin, and tea…then I was off! It was unusually warm today, so I went for my 3-4 miles around 2:30 pm. Saturday is family day in Italy. People EVERYWHERE. In pairs. In trios. In the middle of the street. The road perpendicular to my apartment is exactly 1 mile back/forth, so it was easy to measure my distance. I ran around the little park ONCE-it was horrifying. It was full-grandmas, babies, kids playing soccer, benches full. As I ran around the pathway, I couldn’t help but feel everyone’s eyes on me, looking at me with dropped jaws as if they’re thinking, “WHAT on earth are you doing?” That was a sprint lap. I was in. I was out. I blasted my old Abercrombie house playlist that my old co-worker mixed and enjoyed the wonderful spring weather! Pre-run I had a delicious egg omelette with sautéed spinach and artichokes with whole grain toast and some yogurt.

The lovely institution I grace my presence, flute shebang, and American-ness with everyday! (except Sunday)

This town gets packed on the weekends with animal-wearing, bike riding, strolling locals.


What’s good? Italian Pre-packaged, home baked FOCACCIA. Mama Ko baked it with EVOO, sea salt, cracked black pepper, loads of spinach, and low fat mozzarella!

Sunday (Today)- What a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the weather is warm.  I set out for my run, and my big toe feels very strange.  I ignore the pain, telling myself to stop being a wimp.  My big toe kept throbbing like “HELLO, something is wrong!” I did the minimum-2 miles.  Afternoons seem to be perfect for working out here; Monday-Friday, the least amount of people outside.  Mornings and evenings are way too foggy!

The type of sidewalks I get to work with..with grocery bags or a large winter coat, the cars touch you as they drive by


Week One-Complete =)


xOxo Michelle


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